Tuesday, February 06, 2007

World's oldest newspaper goes web-only

I may not have the Post-och Inrikes Tidningar website bookmarked on my browser, but its decision to go completely digital does merit a mention:
For centuries, readers thumbed through the crackling pages of Sweden's Post-och Inrikes Tidningar newspaper. No longer. The world's oldest paper still in circulation has dropped its paper edition and now exists only in cyberspace. The newspaper, founded in 1645 by Sweden's Queen Kristina, became a Web-only publication on Jan. 1. It's a fate, many ink-stained writers and readers fear, that may await many of the world's most venerable journals.

This article by the AP goes on to quote the paper's editor, who bemoans being forced to abandon the print edition. But, with a circulation of only 1,000, it's an understandable decision. And at least the economics of the Internet allow a low-circulation publication like this to stay in business.

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