Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
More protestors target second "Minutemen" book signing

Here are some of the brains trust that protested Jim Gilchrist and Jerome R. Corsi's book signing for Minutemen yesterday at the Borders in Mission Viejo, CA. (Thanks to World Ahead's VP Norman Book for the photo.) They remind me of the motley crew that greeted us the prior evening in Thousand Oaks.
Budapest pays tribute to Reagan
“President Reagan wished to be a second Roosevelt, but we can credit him as a second Churchill,” Budapest Mayor Demszky said. “As the late British Premier Minister defended the Western democracies from the Nazi regime, Reagan defended the West from the Soviet empire and helped to liberate Central Europe.”
Sony debuts new e-book reader

Labels: e-books
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Frankfurt shows cultural relativism knows no bounds
Labels: publishing
PW agrees there may be life outside of NYC
Labels: publishing
Protestors swarm "Minutemen" book signing in Thousand Oaks

The police were keeping a close eye on the assembled mob of several dozen screaming activists as my wife and I entered in through the front door. Inside the scene was tranquil and the authors were chatting with the many happy customers who came to pick up copies of their book. We had the pleasure of meeting John and Barbara March, the parents of Deputy David March, who showed unbelievable grace given the circumstances, even when one store patron called them "fascists." I proudly accepted a button with their son's picture from them, which I wore on my shirt as we later exited past the insult-hurling crowd outside.
All in all, Borders did a great job and showed a commitment to support free speech. I applaud them for organizing this event, and for pressing forward with events tonight in Mission Viejo and tomorrow in San Diego. Let's hope the protestors stay home and allow people interested in meeting the authors to attend in peace.
Labels: World Ahead
Monday, September 25, 2006
Gilchrist, Corsi book signings in L.A. and San Diego
Labels: World Ahead
"Help Mom" author debates elections on Fox

Click on the image above to watch streaming video of Katharine DeBrecht, author of Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed, on Fox earlier today.
Labels: World Ahead
New publisher at PW -- same old agenda?
"We want to make sure that all booksellers look to PW as the authority about what is going on in the business and what books they should be selling and why."
If PW's vision is to be an objective information broker for all booksellers, then I would hope Nudo commits to greater editorial balance than this publication has shown in times past.
Labels: publishing
S&S anonymous hatchet-job on Coulter
"None of us want our real names in the hands of gun-toting, abortion clinic-bombing, self-proclaimed 'wing nuts,' who follow Coulter," one of the scribes tells us.
Labels: ann coulter
Did Clinton lose his temper on purpose?
Clinton is a man who has difficulty controlling his passions. Having met both Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, I can tell you that what they have to say about this man's behavior when he's not in front of a TV camera is simply amazing. Clinton can be just as reckless and thoughtless as he is Machiavellian.
Furthermore, in terms of what he cares about, Bill Clinton is all about Bill Clinton. So my hunch is that when Wallace asked a tough question, Clinton snapped over what he perceived as an attack on "his legacy" and gave an unrehearsed, emotional response. That's not unlike his foolish finger-waving "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" episode from 8 years ago.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
"Help Mom" author on Fox News this Monday
Labels: World Ahead
Friday, September 22, 2006
He was "obsessed" with OBL. Really.
Media Matters mad over Tucker Carlon's praise for "Help Mom"
The problem with Media Mutterers' lame attempt at Gotcha! is that Carlson's complete quote undermines their allegation of hypocrisy:
Katherine DeBrecht, I can't stand politics in children's books. And I thought I wasn't going to like it, but actually it's a clever book, I have to say. Thanks a lot for coming on. I hope it sells. (Emphasis added for benefit of vision-impaired Clintonistas.)
So Carlson is consistent in his view that kids shouldn't be exposed to politics, but he admits that DeBrecht's clever book won him over. What's the matter with that? (Interested readers can check out this prior post for some context on the issue of politics and children's books.)
P.S. To the folks at MM, while I understand you've all sworn your allegiance to Darth Hillary, this is just silly. If you've got a bone to pick with Tucker Carlson, it ought to be for this lapse in judgment.
Harry's a hit at Club Gitmo
Labels: harry potter
Religion of Peace? (continued)
The Vatican has been seeking to defuse anger across the Muslim world that followed the pope's remarks about Islam last week in Germany. Benedict cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman," particularly "his command to spread by the sword the faith."(emphasis added)...
So what do the faithful do to disprove the Pope (who was reading a quote) and show the world that Muslims don't want to spread their faith by the sword?
At Islam's third-holiest shrine, the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, hundreds of worshippers hoisted black flags and banners that read, "Conquering Rome is the answer." Protesters chanted, "The army of Islam will return." ...
Hundreds of radical Islamists chanting "Down with the pope" rallied in several Pakistani cities..."If I get hold of the pope, I will hang him," Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a senior MMA leader, told protesters in Islamabad, who carried placards reading "Terrorist, extremist Pope be hanged!" and "Down with Muslims' enemies!" ....
The demonstrations came a day after 1,000 clerics and religious leaders met in Lahore and called for the pope's removal and warned the West of consequences if it didn't change its stance regarding Islam...
Labels: islam
Minutemen authors head to SoCal Borders (bookstores, that is)

Monday, Sept. 25 - Thousand Oaks
Tuesday, Sept. 26 - Mission Viejo
Wednesday, Sept. 27 - San Diego (Carmel Mountain)
Labels: World Ahead
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Libs: "Bush made him do it!"
Liberal Larry Chomstein over at the Blame Bush blog can retire. Liberals are satirizing themselves.
Tengo un libro sobre el Diablo

Hugo Chavez, seen here holding an advanced copy of the 2008 Democratic National Platform.
Some thoughts on editorial bias in the publishing trades
The trade mags in the publishing industry aren't much better; their editorial bias is probably further to the left than the MSM. And it goes beyond my post yesterday chiding the Book Standard panting over Al Gore's new Penguin army. The biggest problem with the trades is one of omission. They prefer to ignore books advocating traditional values and instead highlight left-wing titles as somehow containing "fresh" and exciting content. When they do get around to reviewing a token conservative book, they utilize a breezy put down before racing onto the next work of lefty literary genius.
To wit: in Publishers Weekly's "Religion Bookline" email today, 2 of the 5 news articles are nothing more than open forums for expressing liberal points of view. (The other 3 articles are business stories and have no apparent point of view.) One of the 2 offenders in question is a softball-laden interview by reporter Donna Freitas with an author who he says the Religious Right has a "dangerous mindset;" the other article by G. Jeffrey MacDonald purports to reveal that global warming is a hot topic (pun intended) in the Christian market. I cite this not to pick on Freitas and MacDonald or even to object to the articles themselves, but instead to show how their editors are opting to sprinkle in left-wing points of view without any sense of balance, something that repeats itself week after week with PW.
This editorial bias with trades like PW, the B.S., and Kirkus has driven publishers in the fast-growing conservative and spiritual markets to turn to the New Media. World Ahead focuses its publicity efforts on bloggers and talk radio; Regnery CEO Marji Ross noted at BEA last spring that they do the same. The trades are forcing publishers of conservative and traditional values books to seek alternative ways of getting the word out, which I'd argue is not to the trades' -- or the industry's -- benefit. How about a little balance, guys?
Labels: publishing
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Book Standard (heart) Al Gore
There is still no word, however, when the B.S. will investigate the iThenticate allegations against Ann Coulter.

Gore (left), pictured here wearing earth tones and a look-how-somber-I-am frown, will continue his assault on reason with a new book from publisher Penguin, not to be confused with Gore's penguin army (right).
Labels: al gore, ann coulter
Nelson goes shopping
This is an example of the free market relaying interesting information. While many in the mainstream media and the publishing industry fail to realize it, America is a religious and conservative country. As I wrote back in July, some publishing conglomerates are just now starting to wake up to this fact.
Labels: publishing
Monday, September 18, 2006
Religion of Peace?
The Pope's views on Islam have been crystal clear for a long time. The Muslim world's mullahs and the West's liberal media (e.g. the NYT) are purposefully misquoting his speech for their own ends -- the former to strengthen their hand over the Arab Street, and the latter to continue their knee jerk left-wing attack on institutions supporting traditional values. It looks like they're getting what they hoped for:

Indonesian Muslim protesters hold up signs during a rally outside the Vatican embassy in Jakarta September 18, 2006. The sign on the right reads, 'Let's crucify Paus (Pope)'. (Dadang Tri/Reuters)
Labels: islam
New Tolkien book to debut next year
Labels: publishing
Monday, September 11, 2006
All of the news that isn't fit to print
One has to wonder how "Pinch" and Keller would've reacted if another G.W. had come to them with a similar request 230 years ago...

Granger: Lessons of September 11
Labels: World Ahead
Five years since 9/11