Our new book
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, written by Kathleen Willey, arrives in bookstores this week. The book breaks Kathleen's prolonged silence about not only Bill Clinton's assault of her in the Oval Office, but even more importantly about the terror campaign waged by Hillary and Bill's "secret police" to scare her into silence.
Kathleen gave her first interview yesterday to "Hannity & Colmes," which they have posted on their website in two clips (
part one and
part two). In other coverage, Art Moore at WND
investigates the alleged involvement of a PI in the Clinton intimidation team as recounted in the book, and the Daily Mail
speculates about the book's possible impact on Hillary's presidential campaign. And, of course, the predictable Clintonites at Media Matters
flailed away, except they really don't have anything to say (except declaring their eternal love for Hillary).

Take a couple of minutes to watch Kathleen's interview. She makes an excellent point that everyone needs to know: "This is not about what happened in the oval office, this isn't about something that happened to me twelve years ago, this is about what’s happening today. This is about what Hillary Clinton is doing to women like me so that she can attain the presidency."
Labels: hillary clinton, kathleen willey, politics, World Ahead